To all our Neighbors in the Horseshoe and those also in Bull River that read this email:
Once again in the Horseshoe we are having our Neighborhood Food Drive in lieu of Neighborhood gifts. This has been so successful the last 2 years. We have been able to help those in need by donating what we would spend for Neighbor Gifts and instead give to the food bank.
Today, I received a 2010 Holiday Food Drive paper bag. I would guess many of you did as well. Please fill those bags and on this Saturday, December 4 from noon to 2pm, my red Chevy Avalanche pick-up will be sitting in Mitch and Paula Carter’s driveway. If it is easier for you to take them to the drop off places listed please do so. Otherwise, please put them in the back of our truck and we will take them and turn them in for you.
We love our neighbors and the spirit of giving that is so much a part of this ward. Please help us continue this wonderful tradition of giving at Christmas time. Any questions, please contact Elise 801-367-7570 or Paula 801-756-3022.
Merry Christmas
Ron and Elise Christensen
Mitch and Paula Carter