Hey!  We wanted to share some good news.  We received our mission call yesterday and didn’t open it until our family was all together last night.  We have been called to the Florida Tallahassee Mission.  It takes in the west of Florida (none of the panhandle), southern Alabama and even into southern Mississippi .  We will truly be in the deep south on the Gulf of Mexico .  We hope that we will adjust to the humidity, language, and hurricanes!  J
If you would like to see some pictures from last night I am going to refer you to our daughter’s blog:

We are very excited but extremely overwhelmed because we have to report to the MTC by May 10th.  That’s only one month to get the house ready to leave, car in shape, get suits, shirts, & shoes purchased, and financial matters taken care of.  YIKES! ----- I better get busy!

Love you all,
Marilyn (& Kal)